Denton a village in South Norfolk, England

Denton Parish Council

Minutes of the Meeting Held on Tuesday 8th September 2009

at 8pm at Denton Village Hall

Present: Terry Hanner (Vice Chairman), Peter Hill, Adrian Hipwell, Eddie Winter, Annie Whiteman, Pauline Sandell (Clerk)

Also Present: Dr. Murray Gray (District Councillor), 2 members of the public

In the absence of the Chairman, the Vice Chairman chaired the meeting.

1. Apologies
Liz Cargill, Roger Gibson, Tony Tomkinson.

2. Declaration of Interest None

3. Minutes of the Last Meeting
The minutes were agreed and signed.

4. Matters Arising:
a) Playing Field; The July report was not completed, the August report was completed by Adrian. All was fine, apart from low in bark around the posts by the swings. It was agreed to get some more bark straight away to deal with this problem. The dog bins were very full and the Clerk was asked to find out how often the bins are emptied. It was reported that people are using the dog bins to clear faeces from their gardens, but it was thought that this did not matter as long as the bins did not get too full. Annie will complete the September report. Cricket nets; the nets are up and getting a lot of use. Lots of positive comments have been received and it is good to be catering for the young adults. The Clerk was asked to write to Mrs Frost to tell her that the donation has been used for the nets and to also put a piece in the Parish Magazine about it. The Clerk was passed an invoice for the cost of ballast and cement for installing the nets.
b. Play Area Project; Annie reported that they had had one further meeting since her last report to the Parish Council. At the beginning of the summer it was too wet to do anything and then harvesting made it difficult to get hold of machinery. However, next month they plan to re-landscape the mound in order to make it more manageable as far as maintenance cost and also to be able to build a fort on the top. The concrete pipe will be removed. The fort will be built on site. With regard to cost of fencing, quotes have been received from Atlantic and Gold Star Fencing.
c. Calor Competition; Peter Hill explained that on the judging day when the presentation was made, it transpired that Denton had also won two of the categories, one for sustainability and the other for communication. The prize was £500 for each category and therefore a cheque for £3000 was presented. Peter said that it was a credit to all those people involved in those categories, a special thanks to Richard Carden for getting the Denton website up to date. Peter explained that there was stiff competition in the national competition and it was understood that it was a close fight for the first two places. However, Kirkby Stephen won and Denton was placed second. Liz Cargill wrote a letter to the residents of Kirkby Stephen to congratulate them on winning and they very kindly wrote a letter back which Peter Hill read out. The organizers of the Calor competition will want to know what Denton will spend the money on. A vote of thanks was given to Peter by the Councillors for his hard work.
d. Deer Signs; The Clerk reported that she had received an email from Bob Edwards of Highways to say that NCC are now only placing deer signs where they know there is a large herd with a recognized crossing point as putting out too many signs devalues the sign. The Clerk was asked to write to Mr. Charnick and to send a copy of the email to him.
e. Highways, Danacre Road; the Clerk reported that Highways knew about the depression in Danacre Road and had included it in their schedule.
f. Any Other Matters;

5. District and County Council Matters
Murray reported that SNC is now progressing the Old Harleston Road traveller site and there will be an examination in public next year, similar to a public enquiry. Murray will be working closely with the people of Earsham to prepare for this. In order to help to save £2million from next year's budget of £14 million the SNC are freezing staffing positions and by doing that certain things will not be done. He will be able to tell the Parish Council more on that next month. Annie Whiteman asked if anything more had been heard about the Traveller site at Five Acre Lane. Murray said that they are still awaiting the judge's decision.

6. Affordable Housing
The Clerk circulated a drawing of the proposed layout of the affordable housing which will be discussed at the next Design Review meeting on the 5th October. The Councillors were happy with this layout. The Clerk reported that Saffron Housing Trust would like to organize a public consultation event on the afternoon of the next parish council meeting, Tuesday 13th October. The Councillors agreed to this and the village hall will be booked.
Murray reported that since the last meeting he had negotiated with the planners to allow a 10 metre buffer zone between Thanksgiving Cottage boundary and the proposed affordable housing boundary. This appears to be acceptable to everyone. Murray was thanked for his help.

7. Questions from the Public
Grove Farm Buildings; the planning appeal has been withdrawn but there are still two, if not three, families living in the buildings and external flood lights are on all the time. Mr. Elliot has asked for new planning to allow winter quarters for travelling showmen to stay there. The Parish Council was asked to write to SNC to draw their attention to the fact that there are still families living there and to ask them to resolve the situation quickly as it has been going on for a long time.

8. Parish Magazine
The Councillors said that if the magazine committee wish to approach the Parish Council to ask it if it would pay the costs of running the magazine from the precept, then the Councillors would give it some consideration, but they would not do anything until that happens. The next parish magazine committee will be meeting on 11th November and Eddie said that it would be on the agenda. However, just to get some idea of how the Councillors felt about this the Vice Chairman asked for their reactions. Eddie: It works very well at the moment and we would need to know what Alburgh think about it. Adrian: leave as it is, Annie: a shame not everyone has sight of the magazine, Peter: no strong feelings one way or another, but some merit in reviewing the situation and considering paying for it out of the precept in the future, possibly having a magazine web site. Terry: if it isn't broken, don't mend it.

9. SCOPE Recycling Bin
The Clerk reported that SCOPE had not renewed their contract with Terimpex who owned the textile bank. The Clerk has been in contact with SCOPE and they have assured her that a new bin will be delivered at the same time as the old one is taken away.

10. Planning Applications
In August Liz Cargill, Peter Hill, Roger Gibson and Annie Whiteman had met on site at the new dwelling in Norwich Road to discuss application 2009/1142. The application asked for modifications to existing approval. It was agreed to approve changing the circular windows on the south side ground floor to a single door, to adjust the width of the openings on the ground floor north side and to replace the metal flue with a masonry chimney. However, the reversal of the external staircase leading to the first floor balcony was objected to because it would increase the floor space and change the use from 'access only' to potential recreational use. The change of use could infringe on the privacy of the neighbours. While the Councillors were on site it was noted that the ground level had been built up from the original ground level thereby increasing the height of the finished house and garage. It was agreed that a letter should be sent to Mr. Whitham at SNC to bring his attention to this and to ask for a planning officer to visit the site. SNC also considered that the modification to the staircase was unsuitable and asked the architect for a revised plan putting the staircase back the way it was. Revised plans were sent, but the north elevation did not show the staircase. The application has now been approved subject to receipt of the correct revised plan. With regard to the levels, Murray explained that it is unknown what levels were set at the outset of the planning application and therefore it is impossible to know if the levels have been raised and by how much.

11. Correspondence
Correspondence summaries had been circulated.
SNC – Gypsy and Traveller Plan Document – the Clerk will be circulating this document to all the Councillors. Comments are asked on the soundness of the document. Murray Gray explained that this was quite a technical document and may be difficult to comment on, but Murray suggested that the Councillors look at the scorings of the sites as he does not think they are right.
Parish Crime Stats – the Clerk had received further stats for August in which there was a violent crime against a person in Denton.

12. Finance
a. Financial Monthly Summary: The Clerk circulated a financial summary for August and a budget comparison. The Councillors would like to see the precept and precept expenditure separated from other receipts and payments. This would ensure that other income would not be spent on items that should be paid for by the precept.
b. Pay the Clerk £88.31 for September
c. Pay Liz Cargill £36.90 for calor competition expenses
d. Pay Liz Frere-Smith £30 for auditing the books
In addition to the above £70 to be paid to NALC for Peter and Annie�s training session, £100 for Village Hall hire and £72.50 for hire of marquee for the Calor competition.
Proposal: Pay b,c,d and additional items. Proposed by Adrian Hipwell, seconded by Peter Hill, unanimously agreed. e. £132.70 had been received for VAT repayment.

13. Any Other Business
Terry said that there was an overgrown hedge opposite Old Deers Lane, but he does not know the owner of the field. Terry will deal with this.
The Clerk asked if anyone would like to attend the Norfolk Waste Partnership Conference and AGM on Wednesday 21st October. Liz Cargill will be going. Peter Hill said that he would attend as well.

The meeting closed at 09.15pm.

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