Denton a village in South Norfolk, England

Denton Parish Council

Minutes of the Meeting Held on 12th June 2007 at 8 pm at Denton Village Hall

Present: Liz Cargill (Chairman), Terry Hanner (Vice Chairman), Roger Gibson, Martin Sida-Page, Clare Valori, Pauline Sandell (Clerk).
Also Present: Dr. Murray Gray (District Councillor), two members of the public.

1. Apologies:
Adrian Hipwell, Eddie Winter.

2. Declaration of Interest:
Clare Valori, Roger Gibson and Martin Sida-Page declared a prejudicial interest in item 5.

3. Minutes of the Last Meeting:
Agreed and signed.

4. Matters Arising:

a. Playing Field: Terry Hanner had completed the monthly report. He had taken the Chicken away to be repaired. The Chairman said that there had been a report of broken glass lying around the Shelter. Terry said that he had not seen any glass. The Shelter is looking good, but another notice is needed for the inside of the Shelter. Eddie Winter will complete the next report.

b. Composting: Liz Cargill reported that they have had one session with the shredder which has been very successful and looking for volunteers for the next session. They could do with more volunteers for the Sunday evening collection.

c. Village Sign: Terry reported that the work is in progress.

d. Stiles on the Walk: The stiles are in place and the Chairman reported that they seem to work very well. e. Verge Outside the Chapel: After some discussion it was decided that the Clerk would write to Highways asking them to either make it impossible for them to park there or to turn it into a place for cars to park.

f. Cycle Racks: : The tubing has been ordered. Terry reported that at the last Village Hall meeting it was agreed to site the cycle rack at the village hall.

g. Homewatch: The Clerk explained that John Broughton, the Homewatch Administrator, had retired and his successor had decided not to take the post. Therefore at the moment, until they train another person for the post, Homewatch do not have an Administrator. Once someone replaces John Broughton the Clerk will arrange a meeting.

h. Any Other Matters Arising:
Clare said that Liz Frere-Smith has agreed to audit the books for a small fee.
The hedges at the Middle/Trunch Road junction have been trimmed although it is still difficult to see at the junction.
Clare reported that at the Earsham end of Middle Road, on the left hand side, the hedge has become very overgrown and has made it impossible to see. Terry said that he would speak to the owner.

5. Travellers:
a. Update: Clare Valori informed the Parish Council that the Travellers had not occupied the site since 4th May. Therefore, at the moment, the lights are out and traffic on Middle Road is much lighter. Some of the vehicles and equipment have been moved to Grove Farm. The high court prejudicial review and the planning appeal are still ongoing. Clare reported that the site is now being used for car breaking and Roger reported that people were turning up at the site and dumping rubbish. The residents are continuing to pressure the Council to move matters as fast as they can. The Chairman had written to Mr. Fuller and she read his reply to the Councillors.
b. Issues and Options Document: Appendix 1 states the word 'desirable' and it was agreed that this should be 'essential'. It was agreed that there should be a buffer zone between any site and settled residents and screening should be used. Sites should be sort throughout South Norfolk. It was decided that the Chairman and Vice Chairman, taking on board all that had been said, would fill in the questionnaire. Murray Gray said that if enough people make these comments it will have an impact.

6. District and County Council Matters:
Murray Gray said that he had visited Beck Farm to discuss the planning application that had been refused. He was able to give some help and another application has been sent to SNC. Murray had also looked at Vale Farm and had spoken to the Listed Buildings people to see if something can be done.

7 Questions from the Public:

8. Solar Panel Meeting
The meeting on the 30th May was very well attended with about 30 people in attendance. 15 of those people had shown an interest and had asked for information packs. If enough people wish to attend the workshop it can be held in Denton. Clare apologized for missing the meeting.

9. Norwich City Council’s Bid for Unitary Status
It was generally agreed that there seemed to be no advantage in changing what was a perfectly good system. Murray Gray said that he did not think that there would be any advantages for Denton but there could be some disadvantages. The Clerk was asked to give the Denton Parish Council opinion that it was too costly, and had no advantages.

10. Revised Code of Conduct
The New Code of Conduct had been circulated to all Councillors and after some discussion it was agreed that it would be adopted at the next meeting and to include paragraph 12 (2). The Clerk will change the Standing Orders to comply with the new code of conduct.

11. Neighbourhood Car Scheme:
This Scheme had been discussed before, but nothing had come of it. The Chairman wished to resurrect it. The Scheme is to use a rota of people that would be willing to collect prescriptions or to take people to doctor or hospital appointments. It was agreed that the Chairman would speak to Ann Carden to ask her if she would like to be responsible for the Scheme.

12. Planning:
a. Planning Application 2007/1136 – The Paddocks, Low Road, Denton – Erection of Conservatory.
Proposal: Denton Parish Council considers the application should be approved because it increases the amenity of the house. Proposed by Clare Valori, seconded by Terry Hanner, unanimously agreed.
b. Decisions: None.

13. Correspondence:
SNC: Following the death of Brian Pearce there is a vacancy for a Councillor to join the Standards Committee.
NRCC: They would be willing to meet the Parish Council to discuss Parish Plans. Some discussion took place regarding needing a Parish Plan if Denton should want to become a Quality Council. However, it was decided that there were a number of criteria that would have to be met to become a Quality Council and some of these criteria would prove too problematical. It was therefore decided that it was not necessary to have a Parish Plan.
NCAPTC: Asking for resolutions for debate at the next AGM on Sat. 15th September. None suggested.
Greater Norwich Development Partnership - The Partnership comprises of Broadland District Council, Norwich County Council, Norwich City Council and South Norfolk Council who will prepare a Joint Core Strategy looking ahead to the next 20 years. The first workshop dealing with Rural Areas will be held on Thursday 5th July. Liz and Terry to attend.

14. Finance:
a. Pay B.W. Dove & Son £105.75 for hardwood for village sign.
b. Pay Norfolk County Services £242.61 for half year grounds fee.
c. Pay the Clerk £83.87 for June 2007.
d. Send a replacement cheque to Denton Village Hall for £200 as the cheque has been misplaced.
Proposal: Pay a.b.c.and d. Proposed by Clare Valori, seconded by Roger Gibson, unanimously agreed.

15. Any Other Business:
Terry Hanner said that Mr. Nobbs should be paid for this year’s work. After some discussion it was agreed to increase the payment to £50 per year. The Clerk will pay Mr. Nobbs out of petty cash.
Clare Valori reported that the lights at the School that had been on all night are now turned off every night. The School is continuing to go from strength to strength and 16 children have applied to come in September. Some of the children would like to come to a Parish Council meeting as part of their community project. The Councillors would be very pleased to see the children at a meeting. However, it was thought that it would be less boring if they attended a playing field inspection. Clare will pass this on to the School. Clare was asked if the School composted. She said that unfortunately this had created a rat problem so they do not compost at the moment, but are involved in growing vegetables and hedge and tree planting.
The Clerk reported that the collection time plate had been removed from the letter box at Norwich Road. She was asked to ring the Post Office to find out why this has happened and also to ask if there is an afternoon collection at the Chapel Corner letter box.
The Clerk informed the Councillors that the next joint parish meeting to be held in November was to be held in Denton. She asked the Councillors to think about a speaker for that meeting.

The meeting closed at 09.35 pm.

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