Denton a village in South Norfolk, England

Denton Parish Council

Minutes of the Meeting Held on 10th April 2007 at 8 pm at Denton Village Hall

Present: Eddie Winter (Chairman), Jo Wright (Vice Chairman), Liz Cargill, Terry Hanner, Adrian Hipwell, Clare Valori, Pauline Sandell (Clerk).
Also Present: Dr. Murray Gray (District Councillor), two members of the public.

1. Apologies:
Malcolm Skinner.

2. Declaration of Interest:
Clare Valori declared an interest in item 6 and Terry Hanner, Jo Wright and Adrian Hipwell declared an interest in item14a.

3. Minutes of the Last Meeting:
Agreed and signed.

4. Minutes of the Planning Meeting on 19th March 2007:
Agreed and signed.

5. Matters Arising:

a. Playing Field; Jo Wright had completed the monthly report. She said that the Playing Field is looking very good at the moment. Liz and Jo had creosoted the Shelter but unfortunately somebody has scratched graffiti into the newly creosoted walls and the bin has been dislodged. Adrian and Terry will put some more concrete around the bin. It was agreed to put a polite notice in the Shelter asking people to take care of it and to leave it as they find it. Jo suggested that board could be put up inside the Shelter so that it could be removed if the graffitist continues. This could be combined with the previously suggested mural. However, Jo said that she was not sure that the mural would happen as somebody is needed to supervise it. Jo also reported that the wall at the entrance to the playing field has been slightly damaged, possibly by the recycling lorry. Liz Cargill said how pleased she was to see that the Playing Field had been well used over the Easter period and that at least a dozen children were there and the Shelter was being used. Terry Hanner will complete the next report.

b. Composting; Collections will start on the 15th April. The grant from NRCC has been agreed and will amount to £1404.58. The Clerk has written to NRCC giving them a copy of the previous minutes as proof that Denton Parish Council will be funding the remainder of the cost of the shredder and training. She also had checked with the Insurance Company and was told that the cover under the Employees Liability would be adequate as long as the volunteers are trained and wear protective clothing. (Helmets and gloves will be supplied to the volunteer shredders). She also informed the NRCC that there will be an Open Day at the Compost Site in May and there will be publicity then regarding the grant. Liz has informed SNC that we have received a grant from NRCC. The Clerk advised that insuring the shredder would be an extra cost and that it must be kept under lock and key when not in use. Liz will organize the training of the volunteers, she hopes to have about a dozen people, and they will be trained on site. Liz and Eddie will be building more bins on the 11th April.

c. Village Sign; Terry Hanner had nothing to report other than an invoice will be sent shortly for the wood.

d. Stiles on the Walk; Terry Hanner had spoken to Mr. Fairhead who was concerned that his cattle may escape if people did not shut the gate. He therefore felt that the stiles should remain. However, he agreed to lower the top rail.
After some discussion it was agreed that the best solution for Mr. Fairhead, and for walkers who use the footpath, would be to have kissing gates. The Clerk was asked to ring Sharon Bland, the Footpaths Officer, to ask her to speak to Mr. Fairhead again.

e. Any Other Matters Arising: The Clerk circulated prices and different designs of cycle racks. It was agreed to go for a 4 bike loop at a price of £124.50. Proposed: Clare Valori, seconded by Liz Cargill, unanimously agreed. It was also agreed that the best place for this would be the Village Hall. The Clerk was asked to write to the Village Hall asking them for their agreement and to ask them where they would like it placed.
The verge outside the Chapel; it was agreed to speak to Mr. Greenmore, to ask him if he would like to contribute to the repair of the verge. Eddie Winter will speak to him.

6. Travellers:
Murray Gray reported that the Travellers have applied to the High Court for a Judicial Review of SNC’s decisions. They have also applied to the Planning Inspectorate for a Public Inquiry. Clare Valori has spoken to the Inspectorate and was told that the only person that could carry out a complete overview of the whole situation would be a Government Minister. Clare has since spoken to Richard Bacon to ask for a meeting with Ruth Kelly MP. If the meeting takes place, she would welcome any Councillors to sit in at the meeting.
Jo Wright and Eddie Winter will write a letter to the Inspectorate regarding the Public Inquiry.

7. District and County Council Matters:
Murray Gray told the Councillors that Alan Burrell had resigned and that there would be an election for his replacement.

8 Questions from the Public:
The Clerk was asked to ring SNC concerning the Chapelfield Road sign that was not repaired at the same time as the others.
It was reported that there are an increasing amount of dogs on the playing field. At the moment there isn’t a sign on the gate by the shed. The Clerk was asked to make two signs, one for the gate and one by the dog bin at the Millennium Wood, asking people to remember to keep their dogs on the lead and that dogs are not allowed on the playing field.

9. Parish Council Elections:
The Clerk informed the Councillors that only 5 people had been nominated to stand as Councillors for Denton. Two more will have to be co-opted at the next meeting.
Martin Sida-Page has been nominated and we look forward to welcoming him onto the Parish Council.

10. Wind Turbine/Solar Panels Survey
The Clerk reported that 88 survey forms had been returned. Out of those 17 people had said that they were not in favour of having a wind turbine in Denton. Therefore, 20% not in favour, 80% in favour. Out of the 88 replies, 47 people were interested in having solar panels installed and 30 people were interested in doing the solar panel installation course. It was felt that more information was needed and it would very useful to speak to a town or village that had already gone through the process of putting up their own wind turbine.
The Clerk was asked to speak to Nicola Sandell to get more information. The Clerk was also asked to organize a date for the solar panel installers to come to the Village Hall to meet with those people that were interested in having solar panels fitted.

11. Annual Parish Meeting
This will be held on Tuesday 24th April 2007 at 7.30pm. Liz Cargill was asked to do a Composting report and Jo Wright was asked if she could do a report for Village Produce Market and Post Office. Murray Gray asked if he could be put at the end of the agenda as he has a planning meeting to attend late afternoon.

12. Planning:
2007/0387 – Richmond, Darrow Green Road – approved
2007/0510 – Darrow Farm Barn, Darrow Green Road – approved
2 007/0243 and 0244 – Mutts Farm, Darrow Green Road – approved
2007/0169 – Beck Farm, Trunch Hill – refused. Reasons for refusal; insufficient agricultural need, unwarranted intrusion into the countryside, detrimental to the character of that area.

13. Correspondence:
NCAPTC – Leaflet ‘Here to Help Your Council’ – this leaflet was circulated.
Mott MacDonald – A new drainage system to be put in to Danacre Road/Grove Lane junction in early June. Part of the road will be closed for approximately 3 weeks while the work is carried out.
Outney Common – Nobody to attend.

14. Finance:
a. Denton Village Hall Refurbishment: Eddie Winter read out a letter from David Godsmark on behalf of the Village Hall explaining that the kitchen and bar area were to be refurbished and asking the Parish Council if they would like to contribute a small amount towards the costs to demonstrate to other funders that the proposals have the support of the Parish Council.
Proposal: Donate £200 to the Village Hall towards the cost of the refurbishment. Proposed by Eddie Winter. Terry Hanner, Jo Wright and Adrian Hipwell abstained as they are on the Village Hall Committee. The remainder agreed.
b. Pay the Clerk £83.87 for April 2007.
c. Pay Dissigns £56.99 for playing field sign.
d. Pay £83.65 for Clerks expenses.
e. Pay NACPTC £97.81 annual subscription.
f. Pay SNC £59.11 annual charge for dog bin servicing.
Proposal: Pay b.c.d.e. and f. Proposed by Adrian Hipwell, seconded by Clare Valori, unanimously agreed.
g. The Clerk reported that £200 had been received from SNC for recycling.

15. Any Other Business:
The Chairman thanked Jo Wright and Malcolm Skinner for all their hard work that they had carried out during their time as Councillors. Eddie said that they would be missed.

The meeting closed at 09.55 pm.

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