The Constitution and Rules of the Denton Blackhand Cyder Society
- Membership is open to any individual or family subject to approval of the club committee.
- The club committee shall consist of a Chairman, a Secretary, a Treasurer and three members.
- A committee quorum shall be three.
- The Committee may co-opt additional members by a unanimous vote.
- Committee members shall be elected at an annual meeting.
- The quorum for the annual meeting, or special meeting, shall be at least 10 members including the committee.
- Membership shall cease if annual membership fee is not paid within three months of the due date.
- Annual membership fee will be set by the committee.
- All the assets of the club will be owned by the members (with the exception of the cider mill and cider press which are privately owned and on free loan to the club.) Should the club be closed by a vote of the members then assets will be disposed of by the committee and the resulting funds, together with any balance in the clubs accounts, shared equally by all fully paid up members.
- Membership may be individual, joint or family. Each membership will have one vote and joint or family memberships must nominate the voting person for the annual or special club meeting
- The Committee must meet at least three times per year.
- Voting at all Meetings shall be on a simple majority basis.
- Changes to these rules and constitution can only be made at an annual or special meeting.
- The distribution and share to members of cider produced by the club shall be decided by the committee.
- Purchase of new assets and consumables shall be at the discretion of the committee.
- The Committee may approve guest membership either free or reduced cost at their discretion.
Revision November 2016